Welcome To NSBC's Men's Group!
We have exiting things coming up. 

God's Timeless Design

Two generations ago, men were confident in their manhood. One generation ago, men began to compromise their manhood. Today, men are confused about their manhood. BetterMan is a clarion call, calling men back to God's good and timeless design for men.
Becoming a better man is a life-long journey. BetterMan offers additional studies and resources - from learning more about the Christian faith, diving deeper into the foundation principles of manhood.
The BetterMan 11-week group study is on the essentials of biblical manhood is taught through weekly teaching, Workbook guide and  group discussion. 
When do Better Man Start?
Group launches on September 16th from
6-7:30pm. Dinner will be included. 
What is cover during BetterMan experience ?
From unpacking your past to planning your future, we cover it all in topics related to biblical manhood
How is BetterMan different from other men's studies?
BetterMan is unique in that it presents a specific, easily remembered, transferable definition of biblical manhood paired with practical application. It appeals to men in the community, not just men at church. It’s mixes younger and older men together

11 week Schedule